Yang Sheng



Yang Sheng is a term of Chinese culture that refers to health cultivation. This term is composed of two characters: Yang 養 (care, nourish, protect) and Sheng 生 (life, existence, growth).


Health cultivation is a fundamental part of Chinese medicine and culture. Throughout history, there have been experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine, religious and philosophers from various schools (Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist), alchemists, etc. who have emphasized importance of cultivating health and have sought methods and remedies for enlarge life.


For Chinese culture, health cultivation comprehensively encompasses physical, psychological, moral and spiritual aspects of human being. It also includes a search for tools both to strengthen body and prevent diseases, as well as to create a theoretical and practical system that helps to extend life and live harmoniously with our environment, rhythms of nature and universal laws.


Yangsheng is ultimately the natural tendency of the human being

To lead an orderly and regular life.

Historical Quotes


In Huangdi Neijing (ancient medical text considered as a fundamental source for Traditional Chinese Medicine), it is said that "the sages practice Yasngsheng according to climatic changes of the four seasons and this is the reason why they can avoid pathogenic factors's attack of and have a long life. "



The teachings of Laozi, writer of the Daodejing (Tao Te King), as well as those of Zhuang Zi and consequently those of Taoist philosophy in general, are also based on nature's analysis in its broadest sense, in order to obtain a Focus on natural functioning of existence to determine what is 'Natural Order' of things, as well as our body and our being.



Chinese medicine is the highest state for health,

Highest state of health is the one which is nourished in the heart.