Liang Yi



In Taoism it is said that "Tai Ji is formed by combining Yin and Yang, Liang Yi is formed by separating Yin and Yang." Under this theory we have to be a balance between this two polarities, Yin and Yang, and that is the purpose of Liang Yi style.


Liang Yi style, also known as Tai Yi, is an internal martial arts style of Wudang. It tries to use inner mind and energy to have external power. Since Liang Yi combines slow and fast movement, smooth and hard, it is called the style of "The Two Extremes". In appearance and style, Liang Yi has been referred to as a "fast Tai Chi", the style takes the practitioner to move like a dragon and feel like a tiger.


While in their movements we can observe a combination of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) and Baguazhang (Pakua), the theoretical and philosophical basis of the Liang Yi system is found in a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the I Ching or 'Book of changes'.


Liang Yi style or 'Liangyiquan' is a style that works at both a hard and soft level, which is both aerobic and anaerobic, with isometric and isotonic exercises. All joints are used for the entire field of motion and the largest muscle groups work fully. Therefore Liangyiquan is one of the best exercises for the practice of health.


This practice includes a complete work of hands, joints, eyes, body, waist, steps, balances and explosive inner power. Its characteristics are the combination of slow and fast movements, soft and hard, with occasional lightning movements (Fajing 劲 劲). In its application for combat, it gives the person the method known as "start later, but get there first". It is a very practical self-defense art, an essential practice for Wudang martial artists and a perfect combination for Tai Chi (Taijiquan) practitioners.